Sunday, October 30, 2016

Last Week Matching

Another great day to donate! Two marathons and two charities! Let's raise a combined $6,500 for cancer research through Fred's Team and low-income seniors with Housing Opportunities and Maintenance for the Elderly (H.O.M.E.)!

Donate to H.O.M.E. here (write in "marathon" in note section). Donate to Fred's Team here

The last week is upon us. Next Sunday morning I'll be getting up early (even with the extra hour) and heading south to Staten Island to find my place in the starting line. Next week is the NYC marathon.

I am excited. I know you are too.

We have one more week to raise monies for HOME and Fred's Team. I hope you can help make a big difference! Donate right now.

Oh, and I have another anonymous donor who has put up $250 dollars this week. For every dollar you give (to either HOME or Fred's Team) this person will give a dollar to Fred's Team. So donate like wild.
We might not be able to make my lofty goal, but I hope we can do a bit better than this. I believe in you!

OK, monies aside - Its time we talked about my "between the marathons" training plan. It was pretty sweet. I found a great plan to fit my needs.

Pretty easy "maintain" strategy. Blue days are long gone.
But I should remind you that a plan is only a plan. And in my case was it was only a fevered plan. A week after the Portland marathon I came down with a fever and some lower intestinal issues that rocked me for more than a few days. In response I took a few unscheduled rest days. And then last week I was knocked out of the game with a new fever. Again, everything inside wanted outside, but this time its preferred route was through my eyes and nose. In response I took a few more unscheduled rest days. And just as I was returning to health (but with a stuffed up nose) I cooked up some rather suspect chicken and found myself with another bout of lower intestinal excitement. Rest Rest and Rest.

So there you have it. The Andrew Lawton Between the Marathons Training Plan: diarrhea, flu, and rotten chicken. I'm sure it's about to catch on.

I will pick up my bib this week and plenty of free samples at the expo this week. So stay tuned for sweet pictures. Also I'll be giving out my bib number and all the information needed to track me live. If you can make it to see me run, please let me know what block (and side of the street) so that I can make sure to look for you!

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