Another great day to donate! Two marathons and two charities! Let's raise a combined $6,500 for cancer research through Fred's Team and low-income seniors with Housing Opportunities and Maintenance for the Elderly (H.O.M.E.)!
Donate to H.O.M.E. here (write in "marathon" in note section). Donate to Fred's Team here.
The NYC marathon is just a few days away. And we are still more than a bit away from our fundraising goal. In fact we are just 41% of the way there. We still need to round up just under 3,800 dollars. I don't know if we can make it. But then I didn't know if we could last year, or the year before, and each time we did and then some. And strangely enough I always feel the same way in the marathon. I know I've done it before, but it always seems more than I can manage in those last miles. Can you donate today?
I hope you'll take a look at these photos and decide that you'd rather donate than receive a sealed bag of my running shorts - unwashed and mouldering damp - kept since the marathon. Or maybe I'll save that threat until the last moment. But better safe than sorry!
This was the wettest run I've ever participated in. One of my very first races, some decade ago, threatened rain and did rain, hard, all the way up until the start. That was when I first learnt about the water repelling, and super styling ability of the trash bag. Back then it was just a big sloppy sack. Now they come in slim fit. Boy, don't we look good.
Sporting the best in high-performance trash bags. |
We didn't run together, but we did look good together at the start. I've never been able to run with someone. I'm too internally competitive. I'm always racing myself and I am ruthless. The only people who have run with me have been much better than me - and intentionally pacing/entertaining me.
I think someone was enjoying themselves. |
We didn't run together. But that doesn't mean there wasn't any passing happening. Zing! There might have been a little brotherly competition. It was John's first marathon. Apparently, there was minimal training. I think the longest preparatory run was less than half of the marathon. I guess this just goes to show that any healthy, fit, driven, person with grit and a healthy portion of the immortality and swagger of youth can finish a marathon. Oh to be 22 again.
Speaking of enjoyment, I've managed this face in every marathon so far. It may well be my late-miles race face. |
I love the colors in this picture - and the rain drops. It was wet. |
The face of not making your goal. It's just too hard to not be happy. |
And then they give you a rose. Mine was beautiful. And I think you can see my lips turning blue. |
There is a lot of time to think about things during a marathon. And while I thought a lot about the rain, my legs, and if I would finish, I had time to think of more important things too. I thought of the work of Fred's Team and HOME and how they do real good to real people. How lucky I am to run for them.
Thank you for allowing me to run for HOME and Fred's Team. Your generosity supports their good work, of course, but it also gives me the chance to be a part of it too - and to have so much fun running in circles. Thank you!
After the race, after the water, orange juice, chocolate milk, yogurt, candies, cheese, medal, pin, medallion, jacket, t-shirt, rose, and tree - they really give you stuff at this marathon - I waddled out of the finisher area and started to think of my next one. They really are addictive. You should join me for the next one.
It's official. We did an extra bit just for fun! |
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